Nel 1711 il Senato bolognese acquistò Palazzo Poggi per insediarvi l’Istituto delle Scienze e delle Arti, voluto da Luigi Ferdinando Marsili. Dopo quasi tre secoli le grandi sale, affrescate dai celebri pittori Pellegrino Tibaldi, Nicolò dell’Abate e Prospero Fontana, ospitano nuovamente gli antichi corredi delle camere di geografia e nautica, architettura militare, fisica, storia naturale, chimica, anatomia umana ed ostetricia, accanto al cinquecentesco museo Aldrovandiano.
Do you know how scientists used to work in the 18th century? The Museum of Palazzo Poggi recreates the laboratories and collections belonging to the Institute of Sciences and Arts, which was once located in the same building. Here you will learn about the first experimental studies conducted by scientists at the Institute. After almost three centuries, the great frescoed rooms house the famous collections dedicated to geography and nautical science, military architecture, physics, natural history, chemistry, human anatomy and obstetrics, together with the collection belonging to the Aldrovandi Museum.